Learning the Hebrew Language can be very beneficial to our faith as Christians. It’s through Hebrew that we can gain a deeper understanding of the Old Testament and, ultimately, the roots of our faith! When we can know more clearly what the Bible says, we can …
7 Ways Learning Hebrew Benefits Your Christian Faith
Astonishingly, we live in a time when God’s Word is readily available in our language! The Bible is available in 670 languages, and the New Testament can be found in 1,521 languages! With the Old and New Testaments available in many different versions to English-speaking …
Eating Biblically Clean in Light of Grace
What does it mean to eat Biblically clean? Why have some made it a part of their faith? And weren’t the dietary laws disposed of with Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross? This post will explain a Biblically clean diet, answer the above questions, and more. …
Frequently Asked Questions About Hebraic Roots
I love getting questions from my audience and try to answer all of them to the best of my ability. With a worldwide audience, many of the same questions are asked, so I put my answers all in one post to help you find the …
The Hebrew Calendar Explained
You’ll find that following the Hebrew calendar becomes necessary when you begin to observe the Biblical Holy Days and align your year according to the Bible. To guide you in this, I recommend you purchase a calendar with the corresponding Hebrew months and Biblical Holy Days. The …
How Do the Biblical Feast Days Point to Jesus?
You may have heard many Christians started observing the Biblical Feast Days. You may even have heard them claim these seven Feast Days point to Jesus as our Messiah. Since the connection between the commands to observe these days in Leviticus and our faith in Jesus …
At-A-Glance Guide to the Biblical Feasts
According to the Bible, there are seven Feasts that God calls His Feasts (Lev. 23:2, Ez. 44:24) and commands His people to keep. Although it became rare for Christians to keep these Feasts in recent times, many are returning to a more Biblical way of life and …
Basics of the Biblical Holy Days
As Believers seek to enrich their faith by incorporating biblical Holy Days into their family traditions, the amount of information on these days and how to celebrate them can be overwhelming and confusing. I want to offer just a basic overview of the 7 “appointed …
Holidays for Christians to Observe in Honor of Their Hebraic Roots
If you’re just here for the free printable calendar, get yours here! The celebration of Passover has become more common among Christians in recent years. This celebration is so beneficial because Passover has many elements that point to our Messiah and highlight the greatness of …