Season 1

Episode 1: He Has Called You By Name

Have you seen it yet?  There are so many amazing cultural details in this extremely well-done series!  Here are explanations of a few of them in the very first episode. 

Episode 2: Shabbat

In this episode, the characters in The Chosen observe a traditional Shabbat in the same way as many Jewish people, as well as Believers in Jesus, do even today. Find answers about the Shabbat traditions and other aspects of this episode here.

Episode 3: Jesus Loves The Little Children

There are some significant prayers as well as some names with interesting meaning in this precious episode where Jesus spends time hanging out with the children of Capernaum.

Episode 4: The Rock On Which It Is Built

A significant day in the life of Simon Peter, this episode is where we see Jesus address Simon’s struggles, the call of a few disciples, some parables, and even a life-changing miracle.

Episode 5: The Wedding Gift

When Jesus’s disciples accompany him to the wedding in Cana, everyone gets a wonderful surprise!

Episode 6: Indescribable Compassion

Just how unique and extraordinary is the way Jesus interacts with people? This episode highlights just how different our Savior is.

Episode 7: Invitations

A connection between the Old and New Testaments and the beginning of some unlikely relationships are among the best parts of this episode.

Episode 8: I Am He

This episode shows us how Jesus relates to those their society who are considered deplorable. It also points out some important historical events.

Season 2

Episode 1: Thunder

A unique introduction to the robber from the Good Samaritan story and John’s inspiration are just a couple of things that make this episode interesting to watch. Learn about these scenes and more from Episode 2 here!

Episode 2: I Saw You

This episode introduces us to Nathanael and Philip. We learn some of their history and relive some of their interactions with Jesus and his unexpected responses to both of them. Explore some Jewish traditional prayers and a few more themes in this episode here.

Episode 3: Matt. 4:24

Episode 3 gives us an amazing view into the Jewish life of Jesus and the disciples. We also get to see the fulfillment of prophecy from their point of view.

Episode 4: The Perfect Opportunity

From the history of the Zealots to the Feast of Tabernacles, this episode had so many intriguing concepts woven into it!

Episode 5: Spirit

In this episode, we get a little Hebrew lesson, the inside scoop on John the Baptist’s intent to confront Herod, a glimpse of what a demon-possessed life may look like, and more!

Episode 6: Unlawful

This episode shows us Jesus’s heart for those who go astray. It also shows the differing perspectives on the Law and some intriguing history about the Temple.

Episode 7: Reckoning

In the second to last episode in Season Two of The Chosen, we see the tension rising, with Rome and the Jewish leaders becoming more concerned about Jesus’s influence. Jesus continues his ministry, teaching what we now know as the Lord’s Prayer to his most loyal followers.

Episode 8: Beyond Mountains

Here it is! The last episode of Season 2! In this episode, we see preparations for Jesus to deliver his sermon, the growing curiosity of the Romans, and suspicion of the Jewish leaders, and the disputes of the disciples as they navigate Jesus’s ministry.  

Season 3

Episode 1: Homecoming

In the first episode of Season 3, we get to know Judas Iscariot and see the Sermon on the Mount from the “inside.” We also meet Joanna, another of Jesus’s female followers. This episode is another touching and creative part of the story seen through the eyes of The Chosen series. 

Episode 2: Two by Two

Episode two of Season Three gives more insight into the characters of some of the disciples, depicts what the commission of the 12 apostles may have been like, and reveals some exciting plans for the future.  

Episode 3: Physician, Heal Yourself

What happens when Jesus returns to Nazareth – this time during his ministry as a rabbi and the Messiah? 

Episode 4: Clean, Part 1 **COMING SOON!**

The Pharisees are closing in on Jesus and there are some major concerns about cleanliness in Episode 4 of Season 3 of The Chosen.