Sometime between Passover and Shavuot, many people “count the omer.” While that may sound complicated, it merely means counting each of the 50 days until Shavuot.
But why count? Can’t we just look at our calendars to see when Shavuot is? What should we be doing while we’re counting the days? Most importantly, what’s the significance of this command? Exactly what is God teaching us through the process of counting? To answer these questions, let’s first look at the omer count and where it came from.

What’s an Omer?
Literally speaking, an omer is a sheaf or bundle of grain. In this case, the grains referred to are barley and wheat. It’s also a unit of measure: 1/10 of an ephah is equivalent to about 2-1/2 quarts. In Exodus, an omer is the amount of manna God provided each Israelite each day in the desert.
The Command
In Leviticus 23, God lays out the way of life He desires for His newly freed people. After He covers the instructions for the Tabernacle and the priests, God tells the people what to celebrate, when, and how.
He gives instructions on observing the Sabbath and the seven Feasts—Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Shavuot, Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot. Between the instructions for First Fruits and Shavuot, we find the command to count.
You shall count fifty days to the day after the seventh sabbath; then you shall present a new grain offering to the LORD.
Lev. 23:16
The command to count the omer follows the command for the Festival of First Fruits. After Passover and during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the countdown to Shavuot begins on the day of First Fruits. It may seem random that God would connect these Feasts, but it’s not because they’re directly connected. Here’s a small summary of these spring Festivals in the order they occur on the calendar and are listed in Leviticus 23.
In the celebration of Passover, the Hebrew people were to remember God rescuing them from their captivity in Egypt, as well as the provision of the Passover lamb whose blood covered them, protecting them from the plague of the firstborn brought upon Egypt.
At Passover, celebrated on the 14th day of the month of Nissan, we remember what God has done for us, both in supernaturally rescuing the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt and from our sin through Jesus. The blood of the Passover lamb caused God to overlook those covered by it in the plague of the firstborn. In somewhat the same way, the blood of Jesus, our Passover lamb, covers our sin and allows our unholy selves to have access to God.
The Feast of Unleavened Bread
Not literally a “feast,” this is a time of living without the leaven (yeast) that we normally do—both in our homes and our diets. God told His people to go without leaven for seven days, starting the day just after Passover.
Leaven is often used to symbolize sin in the Bible, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread effectively portrays sin in our lives. It’s not only everywhere in our diets and homes; it’s difficult to get completely cleaned out and uncomfortable to live without, just like sin. There are little “crumbs” of sin all over our lives—some we don’t want to get rid of for various reasons, and some we aren’t even aware of!
But this points us right to Jesus! He covers the sins we can’t and gives grace for even the whole “loaves” of sin we must throw in the trash. We have him to thank for allowing us to sleep at night even though there are sins we may not even be aware of in our lives.
The Festival of First Fruits
To summarize the command for First Fruits, God tells the Hebrew people not to eat any new barley that ripens first until they have given their offering. They’re to take a sheaf (omer) of it to the priest at the Tabernacle, along with a defect-free male lamb and wine as offerings. Having no Tabernacle or Temple today, we cannot obey this command.
However, it’s traditionally thought that the day of First Fruits is the day that Jesus rose from the dead, and that’s really something to celebrate! It’s also a day that we can remember the First Fruits offering and focus on always giving our first and best to God.
The Festival of Shavuot
God told the Hebrew people to bring bread baked with the flour of the wheat harvest, including twice as much as the First Fruits offering, two omers. If First Fruits is to bring the very first part of the harvest as an offering out of faith that more will be provided, Shavuot is to bring another offering, this time out of the abundance of the later harvest, 50 days later.

For thousands of years, God’s people have celebrated Shavuot, when God gave His Law to the Hebrew people on Mt. Sinai. As newly freed people, they were privileged to be given a way of life that pleased their God and set them apart from the surrounding people as His chosen. In Acts, Shavuot was what the apostles were celebrating when the Holy Spirit was given to them.
During Shavuot, we remember God’s provision, not looking forward to it in faith as we did on First Fruits, but showing our gratefulness for what’s been given.
The Connection
The Spring Feast Days tell the story of our redemption. Passover reminds us of the Lamb’s blood that covers and saves us. Unleavened Bread symbolizes why we need our Savior, and First Fruits is when we look forward to God’s provision! Shavuot then celebrates God providing His rescued people with the way to live through His Laws on our hearts and through His Spirit.
Since counting the omer is from First Fruits to Shavuot, it’s helpful to see the connection between them. At First Fruits, we look forward in faith, and at Shavuot, we celebrate God’s faithfulness and provision.

50 Days
During the 50-day counting period, we focus on maturing in righteousness – not to obtain salvation, but to live as people belonging to people and worthy of being indwelt by His Spirit. It should be a time of cleansing our hearts to ready them for the Holy Spirit to live in us and guide us as people of God.
The number 50 in the Bible represents liberation. Each 50th year was to be the year of Jubilee, where slaves were set free, and the land was returned to its original owner. The word “Pentecost” means 50 and is the name of the Christian holiday celebrating God’s giving of the Holy Spirit.
A Time for Growth
If we focus on the Holy Days, the Hebrew people went from being slaves to Mount Sinai, where God made His covenant with them. In the same way, Jesus was crucified during Passover, raised on First Fruits, and then 50 days passed until the Holy Spirit was given to the apostles. On that Shavuot, a New Covenant was made, as God has now written His Laws on the hearts of His people.
Our Spiritual growth is the same. In the “Passover” season of our lives, we accept Jesus as our Passover Lamb. The Unleavened Bread portion of our faith is where we genuinely repent and continually try to align our lives with God’s desires. Out of our growing faith, we then celebrate that Jesus has risen and his victory over death. As our faith matures, we Christians move toward a place where the Holy Spirit can live inside us, enabling us to follow His Laws and do His work on Earth.
At the beginning of the Counting of the Omer, we’ve just experienced the celebration of Passover. We remembered what God did for the Hebrew people and us. We also observed the Feast of Unleavened Bread, where we took inventory of our lives, repented, and worked diligently to ensure there wasn’t a mess of sin left that God wouldn’t want there.
Then we arrive at the Feast of First Fruits, where we remember that we give God the best of what we have out of faith. We step forward by putting our faith in God to provide for us in the future. On Shavuot, He will provide His Law and write it on our hearts through His Spirit.
Ready for the Spirit
During the time between First Fruits and Shavuot, we grow in our faith so that we’re ready to have God’s Spirit inhabit us. As Christians, His Spirit already lives in our hearts, so this time of counting allows us to refocus on our faith and ensure that we’re growing in maturity as we should throughout our walk. Starting at Passover, we focus on moving from slaves to free people dedicated to God and in His service.
The Counting of the Omer reminds us daily that God not only deserves our best and is worthy of our faith in Him but that He provides for us at the count’s completion and always! While we count, we examine our hearts and our faith to see if they’re worthy of the Holy Spirit we’ve been given. Spoiler alert: They’re not. But as Jesus covers the sin remaining in our hearts, we do our best to make sure there’s less and less as we grow and continually align our hearts to what God wants in our lives.
Since God has a purpose for all He does, when He told the Hebrew people to simply count, He knew they needed to do that for some reason. It’s the same thing with us. Counting focuses us on the symbolism and lessons of the surrounding Feast Days. It reminds us that God is faithful. He’s provided all we need in the past and will in the future. Counting the Omer is a time of strengthening our faith.
What to Do During the Count
But humans are doers, so being given an activity like counting over a 50-day period seems ambiguous. I know that it’s a time to examine my faith and growth in righteousness, but I can’t help but wonder what we DO during this time. In Orthodox Judaism, a blessing is said each evening of the count, as well as the number of the day and the week. Some also focus on different attributes of God throughout the count.
Here are a few things that will get your heart and mind in the right place for this time of counting and prepare you for the celebration of Shavuot.
- Count, Of Course!
One way to take this command literally is to cross off each day on a calendar or omer counter made just for this purpose. I’ve used this one from, but there are many available! Here are some, and there’s even a LEGO Omer Counter that they’ll love!

2. Communicate with God
Wait. That doesn’t sound out of the ordinary at all! It shouldn’t be, but you and I both know that most of us allow things to creep into our daily schedules that threaten our time with God, which should be a priority. Prayer and studying God’s Word often go by the wayside when other things are put first.
During this time of counting, make it a high priority to be in constant conversation with God. Be humble and honest so you can hear what He says – even those things you’d rather not! During times of self-examination, I find it helpful to pray the following verse.
Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way.
Psalm 139:23-24
- Share the Count
During the Counting of the Omer, The Jewish people say a blessing each evening of the count, along with stating the day and week number. This blessing clarifies that each day has been counted and that God’s getting the glory.
However you observe the omer count, don’t keep it to yourself! Include your family and your children and encourage them to grow in their faith during this time. And, as with everything you do, make sure God gets all the glory!
- Prepare for Shavuot
Part of the reason for the count is to look forward to the giving of God’s Law on Sinai and the Holy Spirit to the apostles. This makes preparing for Shavuot a very appropriate activity during the count. Make a plan of how you and your family will celebrate Shavuot and what supplies you’ll need. Read the stories of the giving of the Law and the Holy Spirit in Exodus 19 and Acts 1, respectively.
Thank God for His perfect Laws and for the Spirit that allows those Laws to be written on our hearts. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you specifically which of His Laws you need to work on. Soften your heart so you can hear His answer.
The Counting of the Omer is an important time for Believers to grow in their faith and cleanse themselves spiritually. It’s a time for us to respond to the faithfulness and provision God has lavished upon all of us.
this is very interesting; I will be back….thank you!
Very insightful and informative, thank you!
I enjoyed the article. It was very informative and helpful. Thank you.
I have found this article very helpful. Thank you
I’m so glad it’s helpful! You’re welcome!